I actually love thank you cards. I love handwriting notes to people and always have! I especially enjoy writing thank you cards because I made the cards I'm sending out!
Some are on a florescent white paper, others on a cream and some on chipboard (my favorite!)
Anyways, it's always fun to make cards for people! And these go perfectly with the four piece letterpress graduation invites I had sent out in March! I had too much fun and now I wish I had blogged about those (there is a video of them on my instagram!) I basically treated graduation like my wedding.
Anyways, in between thank you cards and catching up on sleep, I'm making sure to keep drawing and creating! I know if I don't push myself to make something everyday I will get lazy about it. I never want to get out of practice.
Here are a few quick things I have made lately!
I keep seeing peonies everywhere online so I wanted to quickly gouache a pattern of them! Here is a little sneak peak of the painting part. I want to print it on fabric and make little tanks or tees out of it!

This is just a little watercolor warm up in my sketchbook of some citrus fruit. I've been dreaming of some lemonade and limeade after all these 105 degree afternoons here in Tucson! So unbearably hot.
These little cards are my favorite pass time. Every time I watch Netflix, I try to make a couple more! I love writing quotes on cards and leaving them on tables at restaurants, in stores, in books at the library... etc. These ones have little simple gouache doodles on the front too. I hope the people who find these relate to the quotes as much as I do! The left and the right are quotes by Cheryl Strayed and the middle one is from the movie, The Heathers.
Off to doodle some more and watch some bad 90's tv show. xoxo
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